TypeScript Microsoft MVP, writer, speaker technology-lover and OSS enthusiast. Author of Learning TypeScript by PacktPub, InversifyJS and ZafiroJS. Organizer of Dublin TypeScript and Dublin OSS.
Web developer crafting code from the tropics, based in Costa Rica. I work hard so my dog can have a better life. I also love traveling and eating delicious food!
Web Developer | Google Dart enthusiast | Egghead.io instructor | YouTuber – Creative Bracket
I make things and break often along the way.
I usually hang out on CodingBlocks slack channel as "dance2die"
Connect with me @ sungkim.co
Freelance writer/coder person, trying to make tech friendlier with words. i also write a daily tl;dr for tech: http://char.gd/recharged
Robert James Gabriel is an experienced lead and engineer with a focus on performance and engineering for the mobile, and web. Irish 🇮🇪 I write open source code ⌨️ Engaged to @courtmakesvideo 💍