My name is Prahlad Yeri, I am a Freelance Programmer and Writer.Educate and solve problems is my mantra. I work on full stack web development and automation projects.I work on a variety of …
Full-time developer at a small company in Norway, and part-time hobby programmer in a medium sized house in Norway.
I'm Fabio a Portuguese expat living in the UK for the past 5 years. I'm currently working for an airline as cabin crew and learning how to code in my free time.
Googler & catdad. I want the web to do what native does best, and fast. No thoughts go unpublished. 'IMO' implicit.
Creative Coder & Generative Artist. Born in Toronto, Canada, currently based in London.
Just a coder and a dad. I love my family and I love to code!!!! started coding at 11, so I have 25 years under my belt. Still love learning about it every day. Follow me on instagram @codeFiend