Javascript Dec. 1, 2022 3 / 13
I consider myself as a Digital Solutions Expert. I help and guide clients on making optimum decisions to solve their digital problems. My Software Engineering knowledge coupled with my experience in …
I am a largely self-taught dev from the greater Boston area. The technologies I'm most excited to work with these days are React, Gatsby, and Apollo.
Just a coder and a dad. I love my family and I love to code!!!! started coding at 11, so I have 25 years under my belt. Still love learning about it every day. Follow me on instagram @codeFiend
Developer Advocate & trainer building cross-platform & cloud-enabled web & mobile applications.
I would like to write something clever and funny about me, but I'm just a guy who likes to build things. Architect in previous life. Now software engineer.
I help people leave their 💩 jobs to become web developers.